Wednesday, December 8, 2010


This is Lauren and I's add for 3 Musketeers.


This is my chair. The shadow was hard to do and I think it looks kind of odd. I warped the different patterns onto my chair and this is the finished project.


This is my avatar. I did two of them but I think this is the better one of the two. I painted some blue on a layer and did hard light on it and made it conform to my face and added the lines on my face so I had markings like the Navi people. Then I changed the background.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Happy Holidays! (Colored Stencil Wheel... Kinda.)

Lauren and I made this together. We originally were going to put rainbow colored photo filters on the snowflakes, but it didn't look good so we decided to leave this one and put the photo filters on the second picture we do like this.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween Picture.

I worked on this with Lauren. We didn't do too much to it but I think it turned out well.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Negative Space.

This is another one of my favorites. I got the picture offline then duplicated it and blacked out the lower half of it. It had a hot air ballon on it and we had to have text on it. So I put the lyrics to "Hot Air Ballon" by Owl City on it. I think it turned out good. 

Four Square.

This one was easy, I just got a picture offline and put filters on it. It didn't take long but I think the finished project looks pretty cool. 

Separate Project.

This one I did with Amber, Mayde and Lauren. We took pictures and combined them. Mayde actually wasn't in there with us, we took separate pictures of her and put her in there with us. 


I worked with Lauren on this. We took pictures with the cameras but it went dead while we took them... and we didn't get any good ones so we took some on photoboth in class. 

Visual Pun.

It's a dog.. and it's hot so there's a fan blowing on it, so hot dog self explanatory I think. Haha. I originally got fire and put it over the dog and just lowered the opacity so the dog was kind of on fire, but it looked weird. So I did this instead. 

Visual Pun.

This is a Dragon Fly. I originally had a cute little fly riding the bicycle, but I couldn't edit the dragon on there right. So I made a dragon flying in space on the bike. 

Visual Pun.

Deviled egg, it's a devil egg. I had difficulty finding good pictures for all of my visual pun projects. This one is one of the better visual puns and the one I spent the most time on, I believe. 

Visual Pun.

This picture was a lot color in my head. Serial killer, he's killing cereal. I didn't do all that much to this picture. I originally had a different one with a guy with a pillow and I was going to have him killing the cereal bit it didn't turn out good so I changed it to this one. I didn't use many tools, just deleted the background around the cereal and put it on this background. 

Filtered Self-Portrait.

Cut out, neon glow (a couple times), poster edges, accented edges, and I am unsure of the others. I really don't like this one too much. The original picture I used already had a filter on it from photoboth so it was a little difficult to do things to it. I think it turned out alright though. 

Negative Space/All About You Silhouette.

This is personally one of my favorite pictures I have edited in this class. First I blacked out my silhouette, but I though that looked kind of plain and boring so I took the eraser and the star shape and erased all of the stars on me, matching the size of the color on the background. Then we had to put text on it and I couldn't think of anything so I put the names of the colors on the background. 

Crazy Combos.

I think my crazy combo turned out pretty good. I worked by myself. I made a Girapardeedonbirplacat, which is the names of all of the animals and objects in the picture combined. Giraffe head, party hat, deer body, donkey legs, bird in the sky, plane in the sky, and cat tail. I blended the animals together a little to try to make it look more natural. 

15 Green Things.

I personally do not like my 15 green things, it took me a long time to come up with an idea for it. I did the trees first, then the stars, then the shooting star, then the put handicap on it, then the kids face, then the cat creeping in the trees, then all the other little pictures on all the stars because I didn't know what else to do. Overall, I think it turned out alright.